Whereas gun violence is a preventable public health crisis that causes significant harm to individuals, families, and communities and;
Whereas, the Utah Public Health Association (UPHA) is dedicated to supporting individuals, families, and communities across the state of Utah through evidence-based policies, programs, and practices.
Whereas, the Utah Public Health Association believes racism is a barrier to health access and equity, and is a public health crisis that must be proactively addressed within our state.
Whereas, the Utah Public Health Association (UPHA) approved a resolution to control climate change in 2009, and since that time the situation has worsened considerably.
Whereas, sexual assault is a devastating and intolerable violent crime with public health implications for individuals, communities, and institutions.
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Email: info@upha.org
Phone: 801-382-8524
Address: PO Box 9387
Millcreek, UT 84109